Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Candied Yams CLOSED

Well... it's over already. Business was just gaining momentum; folks were really lovin' the food -- but the guests weren't coming fast enough. November 1st came before I knew it and I was without the monthly lease payment required to stay. After replenishing product, paying my waitstaff and purchasing the necessary commercial kitchen appliances, equipment and gadgetry, I was down to cash register fodder.

So sad. So many people had stopped by the place saying that they didn't realize we were open for business... would tell their friends and come back... now, they'll come back, and I am no longer there. I just wish the B&B could have carried me for 60 days. That would have been the right thing to do... guess they have bills to pay too. So sad.

Not giving up the dream. Gonna work -- hopefully, I'll find a gig to get me through the holidays, then I'll work on saving to start it again. I know I'll be able to find another kitchen. All good things in time. The lesson for me is actually restating the OBVIOUS. I should have saved at least the equalivent to 3 months+ cushion to carry me over the first 3 months which any fool knows is the hardest to get over when starting out. Unless an investor or two comes along.... yeah, that would be sweet!

It was a fun ride. A lot of work, but boy was it rewarding. Having my menu validated by people coming in telling how wonderful their meal was. That was priceless! I know I have a gift; a special gift. One day the world will bear witness.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

First Catering Event; Success or Not?

I had a great day, yesterday. It was emotionally trying but overall, a good day. It started out with doing breakfast at the New Moon River Inn. My helper - my Aunt Lena - called to tell me she was experiencing problems with her arm and would not be able to assist me this weekend. I freaked out because I believed this would be a very busy weekend and I really needed the help. I was also aware that I had a catering event Saturday evening which required I be there at 4:30pm for set up! I counted on Lena to prep for the evening while I had her in my kitchen.

The day went as expected - very, very busy. I had assistance for about an hour from "Reggie" the onsite groundsman (who, coincidentally is also a cook). Turns out he was a excellent sous chef! But the day ran long, with folks coming up until late afternoon, which meant I would be late for my catering gig.

Once home, I called the client and explained I would be late... 30 mins. But I actually arrived about 2 hours late!! Bad, bad - I know. With the help of my daughter, Princess, and Charles I was able to prep and set up by 6:30.

I jumped right in at the client's home. I set up, plated the food and began making the appetizers which needed to be prepared onsite. The evening went as it should, in my opinion. The key speaker was also late, as were most of the guests. But the evening flowed very smoothly. By the time the speaker was done, the food was too! All the guests, including the ney-sayers, were very pleased with the food and presentation. Everyone was delighted except the hostess. Wouldn't you know it?

At the end of the evening, I offered to reduce the cost of the event as compensation for being late. Mind you, I had already lowered the cost of the event from my original proposal to fit the client's budgetary needs. Not only did she agree to the lowered cost, but she did not give me a single penny in gratuity. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??! I made up for being late -- was she punishing me? The food was excellent, the presentation was beautiful (ok, maybe the linen could have been pressed a bit); I set-up, broke-down, washed dishes, retrieved dirty plates from her guests; supplied the plates and forks and purchased only fresh and premium ingredients -- and that's how she thanked me?!

Just as I was preparing to leave, the speaker/author suggested that since this was my first event I should list all of the things that went right and all of things that went wrong. WRONG? I underestimated what actually goes into catering. The hours, the care and the food costs. I should have built in gratuity in my fees instead of relying on the "fairness" of human beings to do the right thing. Up until now, I've always felt that 18% imposed gratuity was excessive. Now I know that if you don't put a price on your worth, no one else will. Also, when I originally discounted my fees, it was based on approx. 25 guests. I prepared for this, changing from a full-bodied menu, to appetizers. Guests were under the impression they would be served dinner; not only for them, but apparently for the host's family. I will gain a clearer understanding of expectations for future events.

I want to leave with satisfied clients; Clients that will use me exclusively and repeatedly. Yes, I learned alot from this event. I will hold my chin up and pat myself on the back, because I know I did a good job, served good food and delivered as I said I would. I spent more than I earned, but the experience was priceless!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

I'm Still Standing

Jeeze. Seems forever since I last spoke. So much has happened since… worked a bit a Po Boyz, in Folsom.. we talked about that. I enjoyed working there, but it was a lot of work. The owner, Brenda Taylor is a jewel, but the menu was much too extensive to be managed by one person… bar food, and homemade Cajun dishes.. salads… kind of like Cheesecake Factory, only they have a back house staff of many – Po Boyz handled by 1. The take away is that I learned how to hustle the various stations… everything I’ve done to-date has been a learning experience and I have no regrets. I do miss it.
I was invited to participate as a host Chef at the unveiling ceremony of Cuisine Noir [magazine], held in Jack London Square in Oakland. That was simply lovely. Had an opportunity to work with Chef Pannell (which I always enjoy) and his brother, Chef Pennell (Booker T).. great event!
Still in school and struggling with staying focused. Failed a few classes last semester, trying to work and be a wife and Mother.. it’s really too much. I’ve said it before. Please learn from my mistakes… do one or the other. Everyone needs someone, but not everyone is cut out to be the wind beneath your wings. Not even the bird that flies alongside you. It’s hard for most people. Working and going to school is full-time. Some people just want to clip your wings to satisfy their own selfish desires. Not happening.
My latest endeavor is breakfasts at River’s Edge at Moon River Inn. Yes, it finally came to fruition. With the help and support of my family I am the proud lessee of the kitchen at this beautiful 8-room Inn. I serve breakfasts daily and so far it’s been very humbling. The first few days I had absolutely no guests, save for the proprietors of the Inn. I had done little advertising or marketing to speak of. Then, the signs I’d ordered online finally arrived! Charles and I put them up, along Highway 160 (Freeport Blvd.) and within minutes, folks where trickling in! I Yelped, I Face-booked, but nothing brought the folks in like old-fashioned signage. Everyone who stopped in had nothing but good things to say.
My first guests where, of course, Kim & Travis. I love them. They support me in whatever I do. Those are friends. My friend Damica helps out too. She actually did the interviewing for wait staff and has made a commitment to come in and eat once a week. Love her, too! The most endearing experience came when a customer popped in and read the menu. She asked, “are these sweet potato waffles really good? I’ve never heard of that before.” I convinced her that they were probably the best thing she’s ever eaten. She left and came back with her husband; ordered the chicken and sweet potato waffles and absolutely loved them. She left a generous tip for my waitress and gave me $5. She said – “this is for you. The meal was excellent and this is meant to help keep you motivated!” That made my day and was exactly what I needed after having had 3 days with virtually no guests. Today was a good day.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

To Yelp or Not to Yelp

I had the best experience recently on Yelp. As you all know, I will be starting up breakfasts at Moon River Inn on September 25th. It occurred to me that if I want to be successful, I had better offer menu items that people actually want to eat. As Michael Franks once said (sang): "What good is your song, if it ain't in my key?" So, I reached out on Yelp asking everyone what it is they want (or don't want) to see on a breakfast menu. The responses were overwhelming and very helpful. I went back to the drawing board and tweaked the menu a bit more. I wasn't so far off base, but I was headed in the "no pork" breakfast meats direction. 'No pork' offerings are good options, but there is a large part of the population who wouldn't hear of breakfast without bacon -- some even requested SPAM... Yes, SPAM. Bacon remains and will sit alongside Apple Chicken Sausage and Turkey Sausage (good, flavorful ones), not those bland, bad textured patties. I'm excited; I hope you are too! Looking forward to seeing you Sunday, September 25th at Moon River Inn. If not then, make a point of checking me out in the near future. I could use your support. Kiss! Chef Vira

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

MalikSpeaks "For Her"

Recently, I served as the in-house caterer for MalikSpeaks. The event, titled “For Her” was a day-long event of speakers, spa services, jewelry and clothing vendors, and wonderful music all meant to pamper and educate women from all walks of life. The event was held at the Moon River Inn, in Freeport, CA (Sacramento). The feedback I received for my service was overwhelmingly amazing. I was proud.
What’s to come? I will be doing breakfast at the Moon River Inn beginning late September. Please stay tuned! I will be offering discounts and incentives to get you to take that drive. It will be well worth it and hopefully will become a frequent breakfast destination location for you and your family.

Banana Fest Follow Up

So what I have I been doing? Well, since my last blog, I have had a showing at the Sacramento 2nd Annual Banana Festival. That went extremely well. Help came in the most unusual places.

I reached at to my fellow classmates at the Arts Institute [] – no help, not even a spark of support or interest. Here I thought we were all working as a team to help and promote each other reach our goals. Silly girl, huh? I discovered it is a dog-eat-dog, and every-man-for-himself world!

Help came from friends and family, although a few old friends showed me that my cross wasn’t theirs to bear, a few stepped up to the plate. It was a learning and growing experience to say the least. My husband and daughters, where with me every step of the way, and of course, my dear friends Travis and Kim who are actually more like family at this point, were right by my side. They were up with me til very, very late hours of the night, chopping, slicing, dicing, grating and packing; loading and unloading. There is absolutely no way I could have done it without them and I give them my everlasting love and devotion.

My Mom ran the fryer on the first day. It was a joy seeing her in my “kitchen” doing her thing. My cousins and sister surprised me from the San Francisco Peninsula and that made my day! Thank you Carol, Julie, Joey, Alonzo, Diane and Ron. You’re the best!

The turnout was nice and I obtained a few catering leads from the event. Didn’t make a lot of money, but the exposure was well worth it. I also got a little coverage from

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Communication Makes the World of Difference

I think I need to take yet another communications class. Seriously. I’ve taken classes, workshops, gone to seminars on the subject… learned to listen with my whole body, making sure the party on the receiving or giving end of the exchange is getting the information they need to make an informed rebuttal or acceptance… I ask all the appropriate questions, ones which are on subject and related to the matter at hand… I observe body language to gage if the conversation should continue or be paused for discussion at another time.. maybe a time when less emotion is infused. So, where am I going with this?

Well, these things said, I have to tell you that I have explained ‘ad nauseam’ to those close to me, that during this time in my life – with school, work and project|career goals, there is simply no “spare” time. I am not doing a very good job of getting them to take me serious. While I understand that everyone needs a little R&R, I am also aware that if you are serious about a thing, that you must be FOCUSED… not just focused, but laser focused. You can’t allow temptations like invitations for socializing or mini-vacations to become a detour or distraction. I have pleaded to be left alone for a time so that I can focus on my priorities, yet every other day or so, I am asked to attend one event or another… do this or that… and all from the same individual! PLEASE.

If I appear to be “idle” it’s because I am thinking of a menu, a recipe or trying to map out a homework project in my head… I am thinking about something I prepared at the restaurant, and wondering if I could have plated it better… I am thinking about the homework I haven’t finished, AND trying to figure out when I can carve out time to fold the mound of clean clothes which have been sitting of the upstairs sofa for weeks now…How can I get money to buy restaurant supplies or give my Mom the time and attention she needs during this transition in her life. You get the point, don’t you?

With the exception of handling my Mom’s needs, all of these things are ‘self-inflicted’. The operative being “self”. These are matters that I have personally chosen for myself; for my happiness and feeling of satisfaction. These are matters that I have thought long and hard about – I’ve thought about the sacrifices, the trade-offs and the downside. Believe me, I’ve taken it all into consideration.

If I am not happy with myself, you will NEVER be happy with me. I will begin to resent you, seeing you only as the person who worked against my having what I needed to be happy and will hate myself for allowing you to do this to me. I can not love you, until I can love me first. May I suggest a communications workshop for you?

Monday, July 25, 2011

Po'Boyz, Bananas and Yield

Well… were did I leave off? Seems so long since my last entry.
Life seems to be moving along. I am toggling between planning for the Banana Festival, home and school. It’s a lot. Oh, and work… almost forgot! Last week I was hired by Po’Boyz in Folsom, CA to work Friday & Saturday nights. It’s typical bar food with a little southern and Cajun meals sprinkled in. The proprietor, Brenda Taylor, is an amazing woman and I love the gig so far. The commute – well, that’s a challenge, but it’s nice getting out to work. I understand they do a mean “Soul Food Sunday”. Brenda was readying for menu choices when I left Saturday nite, to include Greens, Cabbage, Smothered Pork Chops, Turkey Wings & Gravy, and Red Beans, along with her standard offerings! If you like good music (Blues & Jazz), fun people and decent drinks, then please stop by. We could use your support. .
It’s no wonder my eye lids are feeling a bit heavy as I make this entry I realize I’m doing a little much… Jeeze!
School is no longer fun. (Yikes!!) Nothing but culinary calculations to memorize and formulas to learn.. What is this foreign language she speaks??? Food Cost Percentage? Standardized Recipes? Portions? Original Yield? Desired Yield? AP vs. EP amounts? Math… are you talkin’ bout MATH??! C’mon, Lady! I just wanna cook!!
The Banana Festival plans are coming together. Have my commercial kitchen reserved… My tent and equipment on the radar.. bought a cash register this weekend (whoo-hoo!!). Truck reserved… menu tighten up, grocery list done. Still trying to pull a decent staff together. ANYBODY want to work??? How can you ask people to work their butts off for minimal or no pay? I have to trust that they will still love me when this is over, because it is a lot of work. So goes the restaurant business… hard work, little pay. But I know it will be well worth it… all my friends and family will come by… right??? RIGHT??!
Signing off. Time to rest these tired eyes.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

School, Wonderful... Life... not so much

Well folks, yesterday was everything I wanted and more with regard to school. We went over the syllabus and I was excited to hear our instructor reiterate the subject matter for the semester, especially since I have already done a majority of the work. Menu development, restaurant theme/Mission Statement... I got this, sistah!

The fun was in coming home. The merging of two families is never seamless, and my situation is no different. Still grappling with a new relationship, marriage and child guardianship -- all within 9 months!! Add to that, having my lovelies home for the summer and blending the three ladies together with a new living situation... it's not pretty. I feel as if I'm being pulled 20 different ways, and no one is happy with part of me they get... nothing is enough, nothing is good enough. So, I sit here in this coffee house, wishing I could get on a plane and fly away. Where? Anywhere. It is in times like these that I realize how naive I really am.

I'm thinking at this point, it may be time to take a step back. Get myself a little studio in midtown, focus on school and the possibility of owning my own business. There are 7 days in a week... each daughter gets a day; Mom gets 1... that leaves me 3 days for school and myself. "Mommy-Daddy" relationship will have to be "suspended" until I finish school or visited between semester breaks. Sounds like a business... don't really like that. I'm very organic in the way I operate... this feels like scheduling and time constraints, which don't feel good to me... Oh, it will all work out. My daughters are very important to me. This I am clear on. Nothing means more... Heck, they are the reasons I have waited until this point in my life to go back to school... Don't they understand that?

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Summer Semester! Yippee!!

I made it through one of the most “interesting” weeks of my uneventful life! So glad it’s behind me and I am looking forward to moving forward. As I’ve mentioned, summer semester begins tomorrow. Last night I perused my Syllabi (?).. is this a word??… for my classes. What is the plural of syllabus? N-E-Way… I have Management by Menu, which helps me understand how to write menus from both a marketing and cost efficiency perspective; how to calculate ingredients to increase or decrease yield; wine and food pairings, etc. Soooooo excited about that! Also have Sustainable Purchasing – that will help me spend my dollars in a smart way. I see that I will also be working to develop my mission statement, which as you know, is a major part of a business plan. And for a little spice, I have Latin Cuisine, where I will be cooking all things Caliente! Latin food with an Afro twist??! How can I go wrong?

Hovering in the background is this constant battle between managing home and attaining my goal. As I mentioned in one of my first blogs, it is difficult to make both situations the priority; one will suffer. And so it has come to pass. In all fairness to my particular situation, I have not learned how to do both. It’s just how I’m wired. If my focus is on a relationship, then I give it 200%. I live and breathe “it” to consistently do things to better that relationship. Am I affectionate enough, am I listening to his needs, his dreams, am I supportive enough, am I on top of my game? Is he happy? Am I happy? But, it’s the same with anything I undertake. In my case, it happens to be all things culinary. I want to give it 200%. I live and breathe “it” to consistently do things to better my skills and knowledge. I read articles, watch cooking shows, cook books, research chefs and recipes online, and stay up on restaurant and food trends. Am I on top of my game? Am I happy? I wish I knew how to have both – the relationship and the dream fulfilled, but I am only human. I fall short of this. I think it will be a little more organic for me. When it is meant to be, it will happen. I won’t have to answer these questions because it will just “be”.

I can do Motherhood; I’ve done this all of my adult life. I’ve learned how to work this in and have it remain top priority… well, my daughter’s might argue that I really haven’t (nervous smile).. but the point is, you honestly have to have laser sharp focus on your dreams. Keep them on the radar and in clear view. That’s why Vision Boards work so well. You have to have one and look at it on regular basis. Use it like a magic potion to ward off the DISTRACTIONS… they come in all sizes, shapes and forms – sometimes you don’t even see them coming.

Well, jumping off the soapbox for now. Thanks for listening to me vent. This blogging stuff is much cheaper than formal therapy… takes me a minute to unwind and open up, but once I start writing, it really feels good it get this stuff off my chest. And here you thought you were just going to read about my journey to restaurant ownership! Well, guess what? This is my reality and everything I share with you, is my journey. I hope you will be with me when I reach the end. We’ll celebrate – eat good food, drink good wine, laugh about my ups and downs, and dance ‘til dawn!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Losing my Faith

I've had better days. Getting anxious about getting started with my own spot, as well as the Banana Festival, but they seem to be slipping further and further away. I've tried to exercise a bit of patience with the BBQ joint, but they just can seem to get their stuff together. Still no word from the B&B, so I'm back to square one.

Every day presents another unplanned problem and I am losing my faith in all things possible. Seriously. I didn't sign up for this.

School starts next week and I will lose myself in it. It will be my salvation.

Today presented a little more than I can bare. I am having a triple shot of something -- anything -- and calling it a day.

4th of July

I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe 4th. I enjoyed a wonderful day on the 3rd in San Francisco and on the 4th, Charles and I had a few friends and family over to help celebrate the holiday. Our menu: Spare Ribs, Lobster, Grilled Shrimp, Tri-Tip, Chicken, Beef Hot Links, Grilled Zucchini, Corn, BBQ Beans, Deviled Eggs, Potato Salad and of course, Sweet Potato Pie! Shaun was our mixologist, and kept the fresh, fruity drinks coming. She introduced us to Moscow Mules -- mannn, were they delicious!

I have posted a few pictures. You may recognize a few folks in the photos! Kim & Travis, Shaun, Katie, Princess, Charles, Carol, "Mom", and VaLinda. Cousin Joey made a surprise appearance, but I failed to snap shots of him (sad). Carol & Richmon stopped by for a minute, but had to hit the road back to the Pennisula.

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Friday, July 1, 2011

This Week, Lord...

Friday, July 1, 2011

What a week it’s been folks. The Universe has truly tried my patience. I mean, REALLY tried to see how much BS I can take. First of all, my venture with the merger of Johnny Broadway’s and Paper Plates swung into full gear. Problem #1, no inventory. Johnny and I went in together and unloaded our pockets at Restaurant Depo, Cash & Carry and Smart ‘N Final. Stocking up, esp. from scratch, is NO JOKE! Ok, with that behind us, the following day we attempt to open for business. Problem #2. No bank… no money in the register, folks! Jeezus!

Spent the majority of the day just scrubbing, cleaning and organizing things. Is this my restaurant?? Really? Why am I doing all this??? The rub is that I can bitch and moan, but I can’t go home complaining. No comforting shoulder waiting there. Husband doesn’t want me here in the first place, and doesn’t understand my logic. Can't get him to see that I have got to do the proverbial ‘chitterlin’ circuit’ in order to keep my name out there. Work anywhere, is better than no work, no where. Also, I have to make and save money for the prize – my very own business, whatever that means. So I am willing to put in the money, elbow grease and time… even if it means that friends and relations are seldom seen during this time. It’s my sacrifice to make.

Yesterday, we barely made $100. Today, maybe $200… We have a clear understanding that my receipts will be reimbursed, first and foremost; I find comfort in that -- then we can move on to the business of things. I am optimistic that things will get better. School starts in a few weeks, so in the meantime this gives me something to do. Sitting home all day, picking up behind folks (and they know who they are) is NOT the business. When I’m away, I don’t have time to focus on who left the dirty bowls in the cold dish water, or who left out the cheese and crackers… or the endless sea of wine and cocktail glasses which seem to multiply on the counter…

Daughter flew home today from Paris… drama already. She refused my offer to make arrangements to pick her up from SFO, and is now upset because she didn’t get picked up. Go figure. I'm glad she's home, even though... I am looking forward to tomorrow, when I can just relax. Going to SF Fillmore Blues and Jazz Festival. That should be fun. Good music, good food… happy to be leaving Cow Town for a minute!!
Happy 4th!! Be safe.

Monday, June 27, 2011

How Many More Licenses???!!

This was a good weekend! I want to thank everyone who took the time to come out and show support. I did extremely well with garage sale transactions, although there were instances I had to give a little to make a little. The weather was wonderful; I couldn’t have asked for better. The sun and the people were up and ready to go very early. I was amazed at the number of folks who are up and at ‘em before the butt crack of dawn!! Jeeze.

We sold everything from camping gear to electronics to linen and pillows. It was interesting and sad to see the lack of interest in our book selection, however. We have a little over 100 books which I thought would sell. Harry Potter (original hard covers), Silverstein, Toni Morrison, every biography ever written and tons and tons of how-to and self-help books… everything except cook books, of course! But I guess no one wants paper books anymore; humpf! Kindle is King – it’s all about eBooks. Sigh. The big ticket items are going to have to go on eBay or Amazon, because apparently there is an unspoken rule that no one pays more than $25 per item at a garage sale! No one told me. Oh well.

In any event, I have earned enough for most of my fees for the Banana Festival, and I am really getting excited. Next steps will be getting my Fictitious Name license, Health Permit, Biz License and Seller’s Permit... whew! The health permits seems to require the most work. I have to show my SafeServ Certificate (where in the heck did I file that thing???), list my proposed menu items and give a little detail of each, find a commercial kitchen and list that information (more money… eeeck!)… will it ever end??? I live in Elk Grove so I have to get some operational documents from Elk Grove (City). It doesn’t stop there… nooooooo – Sacramento (County) wants a piece of me too, so some licenses and permits have to come from them. And none of these offices are in close proximity to the other. I have just about covered every inch of Sacramento County and used up nearly 1/2 tank of gas. Oh, and please don’t forget – the Franchise Tax Board wants to be looped in. All roads lead back to FTB.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

No Junk Garage Sale!! Cause: Vendor Booth

This weekend should be pretty exciting. Already (before 8am – early, early for this camper) the mobile food truck festival has been brought to my attention -- this evening in SacTown. Am I dreaming?? In Sacramento; can you believe it??!! Take THAT, Portland, Oregon!!! Thank you, Charles & Travis for the tweet! I’m on it.

In the background, however, I’m working like a one-armed bandit trying to organize and sort household items and clothing for our family garage sale this Saturday and Sunday. I think it’s an ideal way to get rid of some pretty good stuff that I don’t need, have duplicates of, or just no longer want while making money. Aaahh, I’m one step closer to funding my vendor booth at Banana Fest! If you’re around, please come by a help the cause. See Ad on craigslist for the scoop. No Junk Garage Sale (Elk Grove, CA)... and again, thanks goes out to Travis and Kim for their support.

Oh, did I tell you my test sweet potato muffins where “the” (lol). Yes, they were delicious! Just the right amount of nutmeg and cinnamon, and the grated sweet potatoes with the raisins and walnuts were truly a party in my mouth!! I pretty much have the waffles perfected and my breakfast menu finalized… just gotta have some place to cook and serve… it will come. I know it will, because I can see it. I have claimed it.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Ya Mon!

Ok… I am about to poke my eyes out! B O R E D!!! I was excited about a couple of ventures as I’ve previously mentioned, but it appears they are slow coming. That’s the nature of this beast I suppose… there are so many moving parts to consider when running a food business. Deadlines come and go; and timelines?? What are those anyway? I can sit here and whine (while this triple-digit weather saps the life out of me) or I can look for something positive to do. I choose to do the latter. I am a realist after all, and the reality is I have no control over these things. The only thing I have control over it seems is the upcoming Banana Festival and I am looking forward to that. As long as I submit my fees and get my ducks in a row, nothing can keep me from it except an act of God (or Goddess…).

As you know, for this event I must offer at least 1 item where Bananas are the star of the show. So I have decided to do a Caribbean themed menu using both bananas and plantains. I have to consider foods that are easy to prepare and transport, and items that are easy to serve and are not compromised by the high heat Sacramento weather brings. Less fuss, less equipment I will need to have in my tent.

I will offer a fixed meal of Jamaican curry chicken, Calaloo, Plantain and Jollof rice.

Jollof rice, means one pot in the Wolof language and is a popular dish all over West Africa. The most common basic ingredients are rice, tomatoes, onion, salt, and red pepper. Beyond that, nearly any kind of meat, vegetable, or spice can be added.

Callaloo is a popular Caribbean dish served in different ways in and across the Caribbean. The main ingredient is a leaf vegetable, traditionally either amaranth (known by many local names including callaloo or bhaaji). I am going to put my spin on this dish so that it is an easy-to-eat festival food, using tips from Trinidad & Tobago, as well as Hawaii. Hawaii,you ask??! Yes. One of my favorite luau dishes experienced in Hawaii was Lau Lau. It tasted just like Grandma’s pork and collard greens! Basically, they take pork and fish, season it, wrap that in taro and ti leaves, then steam it until tender. OMG!! It is sooo good. So, I’ll do my version of this using Callaloo, stuff it with Pork and/or fish, seasonings from the Caribbean, Trinidad and the technique from Hawaii. Sure to please.

Plantain. Sugar, sugar, sugar!!! Nothing else to say about this banana dish. Finger lickin’ good! I can already smell its sweetness. I think I also will offer a few side options like candied yams (may add bananas) and southern-style banana pudding. Sweet Tea and I’m good to go.

Let me know what you think and please save the date! Everything is going BANANAS August 13th – 14th 2011.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Juneteenth in Sacramento

Saturday, June 18. Today was a pretty good day - Juneteenth! I spent the day at Williams Land Park in Sacramento with my girls, Princess and Katie, and with Chef Pannell. Chef signed on to do a few cooking demonstrations for the Health and Wellness tent at the event, and I agreed to support him as his assistant. While there was no true cooking involved (hot foods), he prepared about 4 heart healthy salads -- a blackeyed peas and mango salad, black bean and corn salsa, fruit salad, watermelon salsa and cold slaw. All of them turned out pretty damn good and the feedback we received was overwhelming positive.

The turn out at this year's event was surprisingly high. Last years' experience was disappointing. I was actually the first public event I attended after moving back from Portland. Boy, did I want to hit I-5 and go back! I remember leaving after only about 30 minutes there. There were no vendors - food or craft - to speak of. But this year I was amazed to see so many more offerings and two stages of entertainment. The weather was nice and there was something to do for all ages.

Next year I will definitely have a mobile food truck at this event. They need me.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Diversity and Innovation

Tuesday, June 14th. Always on the lookout for new ideas. I learned from my tenure at Nike, under the loving guidance of Gina Warren, that our best ideas come from unexpected places. Today, we visited the city of Galt and the Galt open flea market. In my mind, and with no interior design experience to speak of, I single-handedly designed the interior of my one-day-will-be restaurant using mostly items I found in the market. Items from around the world.. old, antique items, tea cups, mason jars, old license plates, wall art from India, Mexico, Thailand and Africa. I even saw items and utensils “made in China” that I could use in my kitchen or my traveling vending booth. I’m sure you’re wondering how this will come together at Candied Yams… well, just stay tuned! You will see diversity and innovation at it’s peak!

Back to the here and now. My First project? The Banana festival in Sacramento. The Banana Festival is a cultural festival held in August, celebrating the many cultures around the world that use bananas as a traditional food source. I will represent the Caribbean and Africa. The Festival is a fundraiser for local non-profits, including the Sojourner Truth Multicultural Art Museum. Please save the dates (Aug 13-14), and come out to show your support. Info at: I have 2 months to pull it together. Design my menu for the event, get the required licenses and calm my nerves.

Sacramento... more than a Cow Town

Monday, June 13th. This morning I decided I would go down to Moon River Inn and just get a feel of what it’s like being in the kitchen alone. I visited Saturday night, and observed Richard (Chef Pannell) do his thing for a private event held there. He kicked out a few tapas and bar meal orders for a few, and although it wasn’t a lot, I was able to see that everything he does, he does with perfection. In any event, it didn’t feel like a commercial kitchen to me; didn’t feel “right”. So, I wanted to give it another chance. Every Chef knows that it has to feel like home.

I drove down only to find that no one was there to let me in. I couldn’t get in, and Richard was off teaching a culinary course. By the time his class was over and he was available to meet me, I was headed down the highway! Jumped in my car and I just let it take me away. I first headed up Highway 160 towards Clarksburg. After a few miles of nothingness, I soon began to see the Sacramento River to my right and farmland to my left… grapes, no less! I was really getting into it… imagining myself in my 1990 XJS V12 Jaguar Coupe, white scarf draped around my face, Ralph Lauren light horn sunglasses; breeze in my hair… look at me, look at me..weeeeeeee! Hummm.. What is this sign, I see? The Sugar Mill, you say? Al-righty! Right turn it is. And oh, what a find!! The Old Sugar Mill is actually that. An old sugar refinery turned wine mecca. I’m in heaven. What’s the big deal, you ask? Well, the local community decided to redevelop the building and land for wineries to crush, sell and showcase their wines from grapes grown in the Delta. Old Sugar Mill grew out of a vision of a place where people can relax and enjoy themselves while finding that perfect bottle (or case) of wine. Reminder to self: “It starts with a vision”.

It’s a beautiful space. Who would have known? Six wineries are represented: Todd Taylor, Heringer Estates, The Three winery, Carvelho, Solomon Wine Co and Clarksburg Wine Co. I think it’s certainly worth the drive. Check them out at The sad news is that they are only opened Wednesday – Sundays. I’ll have to come back for the full experience.

Got back in my car, now headed in the other direction off I-160. It’s getting hotter, about 90 degrees now. Looks interesting there over the bridge. Wow… Scribner Bend and Bogle wineries are here.. OMG! I have been so busy dissing Sacramento, comparing it to Portland and San Francisco, that I didn’t allow myself to open my mind and explore Sacramento or neighboring Yolo County. My ignorance, my loss.

Light Bulb. Call husband and have an impromptu picnic on the river. I make the call and Charles met me at the Bartley Cavanaugh golf course in Freeport. We parked the jeep and jumped in one car setting off for our adventure, stopping at this off-the-beaten-path market for picnic snacks and wine. We stopped for our picnic just outside of Locke, under a shade tree, facing the river. For those of you who don’t know, Locke is this tiny little town just outside of Walnut Grove. It was founded in 1915 by the Chinese who were here to work on levee construction and looks pretty much now like it did in the 1920s. In the 1940's restaurants, fish markets, gambling halls, boarding houses, brothels, grocery stores, a school, clothing stores, and other businesses lined the streets of Locke. The school house and many other buildings still stand and are open for viewing! It’s a must see. In 1970, Locke was added to the registry of national historical places because of its status as the only town in the United States built exclusively by the Chinese for the Chinese. And here I thought San Francisco’s Chinatown was the only town in the US built by the Chinese. Jeeze!

Once I got Charles to let his hair down and drop the notion we were looking for a state park with appointed picnic tables, or an outside restaurant patio section, we enjoyed a nice lunch and bottle of wine along the river. Still early and restless, I called my Aunt Addie and we were off -- back on I-160 heading towards Brentwood, CA. Fast forward, we had an amazing visit and eye-opening drive along the river.

My inspiration today came from the drive. I passed many wineries, livestock and dairy farms, as well as fruit and vegetable farms. It conjured up feelings of fresh foods and fresh open air. I think I want to start out doing the arts and crafts and music festivals… It will be a way to get my name out there, showcase my specialties and make a little money to boot! Unemployment is not going to last forever, folks. You hear people say all the time how good it feels to get paid doing something you truly love, right?? My dream still involves having to come up with capital, but I’ll have no overhead or expenses which come inherently with owning a restaurant. This will come; but when it’s time.

Sacramento will never be a Portland or San Francisco in terms of restaurants or culture, nor will the Sacramento Valley or Delta wineries have the status that the Napa Valley holds, but there is something special and unique about the area. I am beginning to come around. “Be the change you want to see” is not limited to government or social revolution. One day we'll be listed in the NY Times or food and travel channels as a "must visit" city in America. I will be the change.

Bayview Music Festival... or not

Hey now! I apologize for neglecting you. Seems I haven't written in dayz. Like most of us born under Aquarius, I have been all over the place… in my head, that is. We Aquarians do more mind traveling and task accomplishing (in our minds) than do any other astrological sign. I have no doubt. Try to get an Aquarian to stop dreaming (day or night) and you’ve really accomplished something! With so many things I want to get done, I am finding it difficult to settle and focus on a few. That’s when I have these “come to Jesus” moments with myself, and in no time I am back on track! Whew! Nothing like a good talkin’ to!
Add to this notion that if you can see it -- you can be it, this beautiful weather we’ve had. 90 degrees… seriously?! It does nothing to help keep my mind tuned in to business, but rather adventure and exploration.
On Saturday, we drove over to San Francisco. In my mind, it would serve to show my family the neighborhood I grew up in as well as to check out the Bayview Music Festival. I was hoping to sample a lot of festival food; you, know? The good stuff restaurant’s usually bring out to entice you to visit there store location. I was also interested in the shrimp and grits cook-off billed on the events schedule… thought it might good to add this idea as a breakfast menu item.
Boy, was I let down. What I found was just a wonderful, very small community gathering in the Bayview. There was a stage step up for a band, and a few people break dancing… but only one (count ‘em); one, food vendor. In addition, there was representation by Just For You – a café known for their amazing breakfasts. Just For You is a café located in Dogpatch – a gritty, blue collar neighborhood on the east side of San Francisco and I’ve heard that people line up and wait for an opportunity to dine there. Anyway, we're selling food, but were handing out samples of their beignets, which BTW were amazing. I asked if the chef was from Louisiana; the guy replied “yes”. I am not convinced. I examined the menu and although there are some Cajun and Créole dishes, I found equally as many Mexican, American and other ethnic menu items representative of the melting pot that San Francisco is. Not a bad thing, but I am looking for authentic soul food joints. I will check them out on my next visit to the Bay, however. Beignets are a planned item for my breakfast menu, and I quite honestly, I haven’t had one that good since my visit to New Orleans years ago.
With no indication that a food contest was taking place or going to take place, we moved on to the Embarcadero. There was an Arts & Crafts Fair at the foot of Market, right at Embarcadero Four. We stopped there and walked around for a bit, winding down for a late lunch at Osha (
Overall, it was a beautiful day. I didn’t get my fix fulfilled with regard to restaurant fare today, but it was nice spending the day with my family. School ramps back up in another month, so with school and working both Chez Pannell and Johnny Broadway’s (reopening in a day or two); days like this will be few and far between.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sweet Potato Waffles

OMG! These puppies are DElicious!! Now, I only need to perfect the texture; the flavor is amazing. I am not a baker -- not by any stretch of the imagination -- so I reached out to Chef Nancy Rostomily. She is Ms. Chef Baker extraordinaire at The International Culinary Schools... hope she can help. They are just a little too gooey in the center. If you have a little advice for me, please let me know. Leave a comment or two; I would love to hear from you! I'm thinking that adding a little less of the sweet potato mixture into my batter will solve the situation, but what do I know about these things?? My area of expertise lies in the savory, not so much the sweet.

Any plans for Juneteenth? I will be participating in a competition for the American Heart Association...a chef cook off, if you will. We'll be given a few "mystery" ingredients and about 45 minutes to come up with a heart healthy dish. I think it will be fun. Come out a show some love if you're in the area. It will be held at William Land Park in Sacramento on June 18th. Go to for more information.

Tomorrow is another day. I am excited about moving on to the muffin trials... let's see how that goes.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Sacramento Black Chamber

Tonight I attended the Sacramento Black Chamber’s 2nd Annual Open House. It was a wonderful event and I met a lot of interesting business folks. I used this opportunity to share my vision for a food business in Sacramento and to get the word out about the Moon River Inn. My ideas were welcomed, well received and genuinely supported. They especially loved the idea of sweet potatoes as the star of the show. I could see them salivating as I spoke of candied yams, sweet potato waffles and muffins!

I met young, bright entrepreneurs as well as mature business owners, all of which I hope to one day do business with. I was very surprised and impressed to learn that companies like Sacramento Regional Transit, SMUD and the Mayor’s Office support the efforts of small businesses -- with not just words alone -- but out there showing that they stand by their words. Azizza Davis Goines, the President & CEO of the organization, is a jewel and I have every confidence that once I become a member she will do all within her power to make sure I am positioned for success.

Well… it’s getting late. Better get back to the kitchen. I want to try out a few more recipes before I lose my spunk! Good night.

Yesterday… all my troubles seemed so far away

Met with Chef Richard Pannell yesterday. It’s a go! We are going to partner on this venture to breathe life into the kitchen at Moon River Inn. Moon River is a quaint little bed and breakfast, tucked neatly (and hidden) in the town of Freeport. Freeport is a community located in Sacramento County, Population 125.

Chef & I collaborated on menu items and I have to say it was probably one of the easiest conversation I’ve had with anyone. It turns out that when it comes to menu ideas, we’re pretty much in sync and agreement that we want to offer fresh new ideas using fresh seasonal, local ingredients. We want to give our guests a consistent and tastefully enjoyable meal and one they will not only rave about and come back for.

Calling on our Southern roots, we will feature Jewel Yams, aka sweet potatoes, as the lead ingredient and work our menus around that. Richard will focus on the lunch and dinner entrees, while I will dive into breakfast options.

Today I plan to work on my sweet potato waffles with compound butter (infused with cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla). Pair that with golden fried chicken and hot maple syrup and you’ve got a meal to die for. OMG! Oh, behave!

I will also work on my sweet potato muffins. I’m thinking they will taste something close to carrot cake – sweet potatoes, lots of butter, honey, raisins, spices – crunchy muffins tops but tender and moist inside. Yum.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Bed & Breakfast Anyone?

Like most events that happen in my life, it’s feast or famine with me. It’s all or nothing at all. With about six weeks to go until the next school semester, and the restaurant no longer open, I am bored to tears. I have been on every job website imaginable searching for any kitchen work – from busser to cook to hostess. First of all, I have to share that the personality assessment tests these chains give you are hilarious! And all for a minimum wage job... at Chili's.. Red Robin? Seriously?!

I responded to a few Ads on craigslist and finally reached out to Chef Richard Pannell. Chef is a culinary genius and pretty well known around Sacramento and So. California. I’ve seen and tasted his work (beautiful presentations!). Anyway – I contacted him and it turns out that he may have an opportunity for me to work with him on a project vamping up the kitchen for a bed & breakfast in Freeport (Sacramento), CA. Because he teaches culinary courses during the day, he is looking for someone to run the kitchen in his absence. The timing of this venture is perfect because I have the opportunity to collaborate with him on designing the breakfast menu! And I get to work with and learn from him! What a bonus! I am stoked!! Can’t think about anything but breakfast ideas!

The three breakfast meals that I would like to offer are the following:

Pecan crusted Catfish & Grits (plain or cheese)
Louisiana inspired catfish served with scrambled eggs with seasonings and chives, grits and a hot, buttered buttermilk biscuit

Fried Chicken and Waffles
Southern, deep fried chicken served with Belgian Waffles topped with fruit compote and maple syrup. Add eggs or home fries…(?)

Bagels & Lox
Onion or plain bagel, served open face with smoked salmon, red onion, cucumbers, tomatoes, capers and cream cheese. Served with home fries.

I’d like to hear from you. What are your thoughts?

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Easy Like Sunday Morning

Good morning! Sundays... my favorite day of the week. And what better way to spend it than with people and family you love.

Carol and Richmond came over last night after a day of house hunting in our area, and stayed the night before returning back to the south bay. I saw it as an opportunity to try out some of the breakfast dishes I might like to add on my menu offerings. After putting on a pot of coffee, I got busy with the task at hand.

Breakfast: fruit & yogurt parfaits, waffles with strawberry and blueberry compote, Canadian bacon, apple chicken sausage and scrambled eggs seasoned with special spices. Of course, breakfast would not be complete without my champagne mimosa's, using orange peach mango juice instead of plain OJ. They loved it!

The waffles were a winner. My daughter absolutely hates cooked fruit and found the compote deplorable. Knowing this, I had pure maple syrup on hand for her... all was not lost. Conversely, the compote syrup was a favorite of mine. It wasn't too sweet and the fruit not overcooked; a perfect accompaniment to the waffles. Now, to perfect my fried chicken. Seems everyone tries to do chicken and waffles... either the chicken is good and the waffles suck, or the waffles are good and the chicken is overcooked and tough. Chicken and Waffles will definitely be on the menu -- done right. Sweet potato waffles? But of course!

Guess I'd better look into getting a liquor license because I truly want to offer champagne for breakfast... Mexican and Irish coffees.. that sort of thing. Breakfast cocktails.. does life get any better? What do you look for when you go out to breakfast? Please share this with me. Ideally, I want a home feeling... over sized sofas, family size dinner tables, soft jazz playing in the background on Sundays, easy listening during the week.. home fries so good they make you want to slap yo' momma (smile).. the Sunday NY Times and SF Chronicles (a must!). I'd love to hear what you think.

Until tomorrow. Bon Appetit!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Small Business Association

Good morning! Well, responses and comments have been favorable and very encouraging. Thanks to all of you who have shown, and continue to show, so much support. Means much!

Received a comment about my profile pix. Seems that a photo of my standing there, like a deer in headlights while wielding a Chef's knife is a little unnerving to some folks (lol)... probably not a good choice. I will change it.

On a brighter note, I made a little progress yesterday. Went to the SBA (Small Business Association) website and found a myriad of tools. I took an assessment -- one of those "are you ready to open your own business?" questionnaires. I found it very useful in determining whether or not I had the right stuff for this sort of thing. The online test used my answers to highlight areas I needed to work on or focus on to be successful... good stuff. My next step is to take this information and discuss it with my new mentor. A lawyer here in Sacramento who is knowledgeable in this sort of thing and who has a few contacts in the SacTown business community. Legal advise is key to operating any kind of business. Thanks, Travis for providing the lead and for being a friend. [Travis & his wife Kim are a major part of my support network. I love them!]

Oh... in reference to my blog yesterday "relationships vs. restaurant" I have to share with you that I am one of the lucky ones. On the other side of the new relationship bickering and nights of "sleeping backside-to-backside, don't you dare think about touching me!" I had a husband anxious to figure out a way to make it all work out so that we could both get what we need. He is my #1 fan and key supporter.

All for now. Better go change this picture before Kim has me committed! (smile)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Restaurant or Relationship?

One thing has been consistent in all of my research findings. The big question. “Are you willing to sacrifice your personal relationships?” I have come to understand why this question is so important. My recommendation: if you are not in a well-established relationship, don’t start one until you have made it across the finish line. By “well-established” I mean, a relationship which has already gone through several ups and downs and has survived.

Putting in the hours required to be a good chef – the hours in school, the hours of working for free (aka, Internships, which is a foreign language to your mate), and the limited time and desire you may have to invest in a relationship you may experience while focusing on the prize – will obviously take away the time and focus someone may need in the nurturing phase of a new relationship. DON’T DO IT. There will be days, sometimes weeks, when all you want is time and space alone.

Keeping my relationship together has been the most difficult part of this process so far. The bickering, arguing... you just don’t need it while you are trying to reach your dream. Unless your partner is in a similar business, s/he won’t understand what you are going through and trying to make them understand is fruitless. Your strength and determination will be tested time and time again. So, when you are faced with the big question, give it a lot of thought before answering.

What's in a Name?

I believe the name you select for your business should reflect what it is you are selling, without the reader having to guess. It should be catchy and easy to remember. Of course, a little curiosity and interest should be sparked by the name – but it shouldn’t be a guessing game. I dismissed any notion of having my name incorporated in the name of the business… that’s so cliché. Hummm…

I began to give some thought to what my edge is in this business where competition is fierce. That should spark an idea, I thought. What makes my food stand out from the rest? It won’t be the usual fair. I won’t be using canned or already prepared frozen dishes, like those offered at the chain restaurants… “love”. I cook with a lot of love and care, using very few traditional measured recipes, but rather cooking “to taste”. I’ll call on the methods and techniques used by my Grandmother, my Aunts and my Mother for flavor, as well as the methods and fundamentals I’ve learned in school to incorporate health conscience practices and fresh new ingredients. I’ll offer foods my children and friends love so much. I will prepare dishes which will be southern soul food at its’ core and I’ll incorporate exotic and flavorful spices and ideas from Africa, the Caribbean and India. Yum!

My daughter, Katie, came up with Candied Yams. Bingo! So many side and vegetarian dishes came to mind.. so many recipes using jewel yams danced in my head! Baked yams, candied yams, yam muffins, yam bread, sweet potato waffles, sweet potato pies, yam casserole… woo hoo! So, that’s it. Candied Yams it will be.